RSME - Reading Society
of Model Engineers.
RCTHS - Reading
Company Technical and Historical Society.
Steamtown National Historic
Site - National Park Services page.
Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Museum - Current home of the 2101.
Elgin County
Railway Musem - The visiting home for the 2100.
Other Reading Railroad Sites
The Reading Railroad
- A small page with a breif history of the road.
and Reading Steam Roster.
Steam Roster.
Google Images Search.
Other T-1 Sites
Steam has this page on the Reading T-1.
Google Images Search.
Restore the 2124 -
Group dedicated to the wonderful idea of getting the 2124 restored
to operational status and put back into use.
Preservation Resources - Helping professionals, museums
and private owners understand, conserve, restore and operate
historic railway equipment.
America's Freedom Trains.
Operation Lifesaver - Keep railroading
safe for you, your community, and your family.
Reading Northern RR -
current owners of the 2102.
Other Sites
4-8-4 Comparison -
See how the Reading's 4-8-4 compared to other 4-8-4 Northern
Womak's Images of Railroading -
Womak has some great train images, serveral being Reading T-1 shots.
Railfan Reading -
A guide to railfan'ing the T-1's original home stomping grounds, current
home to Norfolk Southern RR.
Reading Railroad
Gifs - great page with animated GIFs for webpages.